Sudden Attack Characters

Sudden Attack Characters

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Sudden Attack

Korea has 5,000 years history and located in Eastern Asia. Unfortunately it is divided by north and south, but it will be united in the future. There are many represents Korean's cultures such as Han-gul, Kimchi, Bulgogi and so on. It has many fantastic vestiges and customs.

Monday, November 22, 2010

The `'always Clan became a 2nd rank of North America Sudden Attack

Clan Leader: `'as.maroo
                            & `'as.president

Clan Member: Active 50 members

Clan Created Date: Oct 02, 2009

Clan Ranking: 2nd

Clan Record: Winning Ratio 75.32 %

Clan Nationality: South Korea

Clan Intro:

We are the best SA players in NA.

Be Honored.

                              - `'always Spirit. -